10. A box of tissues

9. A tiny soccer ball

8. A green ball

7. My BlackBerry

6. A small wooden chair

5. A little plastic man

4. A wooden mallet, from his xylophone (like the one on the floor in this pic)

3. A wrench

2. A wooden meter stick

1. A hard cardboard roll (from aluminum foil)

At six months, his top ten favourite 'toys' were:
10. Crinkly wrappers
9. A metal bracelet

8. The remote control

7. Ribbon

6. A headband (plastic, with the little combs)

5. A soft rattle, in the shape of a 'C' (not the one below, but similar in fabric and colour)

4. A large, heavy glass paperweight

3. Ring stacking toy
2. A metal necklace

1. His toothbrush

The point of sharing this is that time and again I come across parents (and I know you do too!) who buy every piece of crap toy on earth for their child, and everyone knows most of the time the box is more interesting than some of the toys out there. Children love to explore and create, so I would encourage you to be mindful of the items children are given to play with. Imagination is a wonderful thing! Since infants learn through the senses, it interests us that C chooses things that feel fun -- cold metals, warm wooden toys, and soft fabrics. The plastic stuff holds very little weight in his activity choice.
(Please note: none of these photos are mine. If you are interested in who owns/took the photo please message me and I will send you the info of the rightful owners)
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