We are a super lucky family and have the best support system ever. When I was pregnant with C I did not want to have a baby shower -- mostly because I did not want people to have to buy me things, and I had also been to a few really bad showers -- and would have rather had a celebration of his birth so he could meet all the special people in our lives. But I ended up succumbing to the pressure from my side and hubby's side and figured, if it makes them happy then all will be well. And it was. The baby shower they threw was so beautiful and thoughful. It was wonderful to see most of the females I love all together, and there is something really energizing about a bunch of women and no men in one space. Of course people brought gifts, and I was thoroughly touched by the thoughfulness of the things C received that day. Everything had a purpose, and the toys and such were beautiful -- mostly wooden, or organic, and essentially, all very Montessori-esque. It was very special to me that my friends and family cared about my beliefs in terms of children's toys. It means they listen to me!
Fast forward five years, and it makes me wonder what will happen as C gets older and desires the inevitable birthday parties (shudder). What will happen then? You know - you've been there!! The piles and piles of beautifully wrapped gifts, too much sugar, a gazillion dollar party palace rental, and a bunch of 5 year olds that will not calm down for three days post birthday bash. I am assuming I will be able to convince C to do something different, like take a few close friends to a clay-making shop? But will this suffice for years? Won't he at some point be desperate to have 30 of his closest friends eat pizza and drink Coke in my living room with a bouncy castle in the backyard? And then, what will happen with all the gifts??
I am fairly certain that there is another way of doing these things. Gifts are great, I loved them as a child, and still do. I would never begrudge C of that joy. But too much is too much, and there MUST be a way of including charity or something in the giving of gifts without telling people what to do with their money. ANY IDEAS???
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